

Citiscope, la plataforma de monitorización de ciudades  ¿Quién es Citiscope? Citiscope es un servicio de software (SAAS) que pone a disposición de administraciones públicas y organismos privados datos en tiempo real de cómo las personas viven las ciudades. Aprovechando las huellas digitales que la gente deja en su interacción con las redes sociales, Citiscope brinda a […]

Design Methodologies Possible Sin categorizar UX methodologies
UX UI Metodo Pure Possible

What you should know about the PURE method

Regarding user experiences, it is necessary to carry out different evaluations to ensure that the usability of what we want to create is optimal. There are various evaluation methods, but many have problems due to limitations because they do not provide us with all the information necessary to really understand why the user acts in […]

Noticias Possible Possible Startup

It integrates the new software that Possible incorporated

How can we keep growing? The need to update also affects Possible, and this time we have moved one step closer to digitization by acquiring management software called Integria, which will help us manage documents, clients, schedules, etc. Integria Integria is a company based in Galicia, which develops programs for companies, SMEs and freelancers that […]