Inteligencia artificial Possible Incorporated

Artificial Intelligence

There is a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence, but do we know why? What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines, computers, to imitate human behavior in their learning process, and therefore, it is a set of mathematical models that before a training sample are able to generate knowledge, and therefore, […]

Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology
App hybrid native web possible

Web Applications vs. Hybrid Apps vs. Native Apps

For more than 8 years in Possible we have been carrying out development projects of digital solutions that require applications designed and adapted to be used on mobile devices. What are the options? There are several options when it comes to developing or digitising processes to be used by end users on mobile platforms or […]

virtual contenedor infraestructura

What is our container infrastructure?

What are virtual containers? Containers are processes that allow you to mount applications that share the same operating system. They are focused on supporting applications while virtual machines are mini-computers or machines with their own operating system, communications interfaces etc… In our case, we use virtual containers to host different applications that we use for […]

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digitalización transformación digital

Digitization, top priority

“Digitization is not an option, it is an obligation” The pandemic has forced the digitization of all types of businesses to accelerate. But digitization is not a current process that emerged from nowhere, it has been happening for decades but at a slow and safe pace. 44% of Spanish entrepreneurs recognize that the pandemic has […]

Office with 5 people working.

The Software Factory working model

Our work model as a digitization team for our clients Today we will focus on explaining what the Software Factory working model is, how it is implemented and if it is effective for everyone. What is the Software Factory working model? For years, at Possible we realized that many of the main day-to-day problems with […]